Cataract is the needless blindness. Cataracts is the age-related changes in most cases, with age the transparency of the natural lens is lost so light reaching the retina is reduced. This will lead to blurred vision. The age at which cataract forms varies with person to person and also many other factors like geographic area etc. In few cases cataract is formed in neonates, infants, children, young adults also.

In elderly there is different category of cataracts formation which affect vision. Any early cataracts changes like PSCC (Posterior Sub capsular cataract) or PPC (Posterior Polar Cataract) causes significant visual disturbance than a significant nuclear cataract. The disturbance in vision also be depends on the visual demand of the patient and his day to day activity.

Now with advance and proven phaco emulsification technique for cataract surgery we are able to provide near accurate vision for patient on next day of surgery.

When cataract is removed from the eye, later we need to place artificial Intra Ocular Lens (IOL)in its place. This IOL has a power. For each patient the power is calculated prior to surgery in such a way that patients may not need Glasses for distance vision, only for near vision needs to wear glasses.

Multi focal IOL are premier Once which corrects both distant and near vision after cataract surgery. 

To know more you can consult our Specialist.


Cataract Grading

Clear Natural Lens                                          Nuclear Sclerosis Cataract                              Posterior Subcapsular Cataract                      Hyper Mature Cataract


Cataract Surgery procedure takes 10 to 15 min of time:

Under eye drop anesthesia,

Micro incisions of size 2-3 mm is made to enter into front part of eye,

The natural lens which is in a capsule is opened like a circular hole called Rhexis

The natural lens which is of 10 mm in diameter is broken to small piece using Phaco- emulsification probe.

With the same probe the lens is aspirated  (Removed) out.

In the place of Natural lens a Artificial lens of 10 mm diameter is folded and inserted through the micro incision, which unfolds in the position of natural Lens.

The Above Surgical Procedure is known as "Topical Phaco - Emulsification Cataract Surgery with Intra Ocular Lens Implantation"

The Artificial Lens (IOL - Intra Ocular Lens) is powered determined in such a way that most patient don't need glasses to see far objects and need glasses only for reading purpose.

There are special type of Multifocal IOL which can correct both FAR and NEAR vision for the patient.

Our Consultant Dr Jaitra who has performed more that 10,000 Cataract Surgery since 2006 is pioneer in this, " Topical Phaco - Emulsification Cataract Surgery with Intra Ocular Lens Implantation". And can manage Complicated Cataracts like Small pupil, Mature cataract, Posterior Polar Cataract, Pseudo exfoliation Cataract, Traumatic Cataract, Weak Capsule Cataract etc.

To Consult Dr Jaitra call 9944529444 or email to

The surgical skill, precision and excellence comes with time. 

We are proud to showcase the unedited Topical Phaco -  Emulsification Cataract Surgery of Dr Jaitra, Operated on his Family Member.



We provide cataract surgery services under Health Insurance.

Call Us to Know more : 9944529444